The train connections were flawless. The attendant in the Paddington station restroom even let Megan in for free (saving 20 pence). We made an earlier train to Hastings than we planned, the only hitch being that the train stopped briefly to clear sheep off the line...
Pat and Chris, the owners of the Hastings guest house, picked us up at the station and showed us around our home for the next three days. Lovely blue and white rooms with a kitchen, living area, and private bath. Ian loves the Mr. Bean videos that were included in the room rental. I think Kurt and I may check out the Black Adder videos tonight.
We toured Battle Abbey and the Battle of Hastings battleground today. Fascinating. Ian loved scrambling up every staircase available. Megan thought the garderobes were sick (confused? wikipedia). We almost made it out of the gift shop without incident, until Ian found a toy crossbow complete with suction cup arrows. He wouldn't go for a working mini-catapult/pencil sharpener so we had to compromise on a wooden dagger. Megan got a pewter ring with green stone.
In trying to find the railway up to the Hastings Castle ruins, we managed to climb the entire hill and ended up right at the gate...which was locked shut. We missed it by 50 minutes. The silver lining was finding a hidden staircase which led up to an open grassy cliff top from which we took in the misty landscape of coastal Hastings Old Town & Docks. We went down a paved way which wound around narrow back alleys and dumped us onto George Street - where Ian found an arcade (his highlight of the day for sure).
We finished the day at The Italian Way Pizzeria, run by Italians that were much more relaxed than the Italian restaurant in London that Kurt and I previously visited. And now we are at Web Frenzy, and Ian says I must finish soon so he can play computer games with the 43 minutes left on my £2 internet hour.
More with pictures on Sunday,
Quotes of the Day:
Megan, after hearing the train announcement "Next stop - London Bridge":
"But it isn't falling down!"
Ian, after finishing off a fine piece of garlic bread with mozzarella:
"A small town = a great vacation spot!"