06 June 2010

Crazy Weather

I landed in Boston for a publishing course today. The kids are getting a week of being spoiled rotten with their grandparents. On the drive to Boston, we hit sheets of rain. I managed to get all my luggage in to the dorm just before a fourth sheet hit. After dinner, the sun came out for a bit and I saw this:


Quotes of the Day:

Ian: I wish you were already in Boston so I could visit with Grammy and Grampa without you. (Probably because I wouldn't let him have maple candy just before the trip to the store.)

Megan: What do you mean I don't have any minutes left? Are you saying I can't talk to anyone for the whole trip?!? (That's why we have unlimited texts.)

My Dorm Roomie: (to her kids on the phone) Well...Grandma loves Clorox...

04 June 2010

Summer Explosion

Whirlwind post this time. I think the photo says it all. And no, we aren't filling ALL these suitcases for our travels. We just couldn't decide which ones to use, so we spread them out to choose the best ones.

Quotes of the Day:

Ian: We can't have those snacks until we get to the airport? Can we go today then?

Megan:  How many lotions [scented ones from Bath & Body Works] can I bring?