18 June 2007

WWOK: Weekend WithOut Kids

Ahhh. After one week of having the kids home from school, Kurt and I escaped to the mountains "sans enfants." Megan stayed with my folks and Ian had a respite care worker (fortunately it's a good family friend). Which meant we got to relax in peace and quiet at Gram's cabin...almost.


As you can see from the piles of needles and branches, we had a little work to do before we could play. Due to Forest Service regulations, combustible litter must be raked and disposed of by 30 June every year. This job is never small, but this year was even bigger. The regulations got tighter, so now all branches touching houses had to be cut. While it makes the yard look tidy, it also looks unnatural. I guess if the cabin never burns it's worth it, though.

Under all the needles and pinecone shards, little seedlings had begun to sprout. While Kurt was bleaching the front of the cabin in preparation for painting next trip, I played with my camera. I especially liked this shot, since I caught a spider and its web full of pine pollen.


We did get to have a picnic supper at the Lake. It was easily 10 degrees cooler on shore than at the cabin. We actually got cold and decided to take a hike. Around 1/4 of the lake. We stopped on a hill that was covered with fallen logs - some of them charred - and got out the binoculars, camera, and water. Look at the reflection in the binoculars (if it's too small, click on the picture).


Now look at what Kurt was looking at. The lake was perfectly aqua colored and the breeze kept the bugs away. Perfect.


The best part of being at the lake this time was listening to all the OTHER parents yelling at their kids and we didn't have any...


j said...

P.S. I have no idea why the months in the right hand column are now in French. I swear I wasn't trying to be cute. Does anyone know Blogger enough to tell me how to fix it? AAAUUUGH!

j said...

Oooo, that's creepy. No sooner did I post a comment complaining about French, the months turned back to English. The Blogger nomes must be watching...