It beats the day we arrived. The train from Boston to Chicago was freezing cold, so we had dressed in jeans and long sleeved shirts. Trouble is we wanted to kill time walking around Chicago while waiting for the Metra train to Aurora. But Chicago was 88*F with 95% humidity. Ugh. After drinking air for two blocks, we decided to eat lunch at Potbelly (again) and watch canal boats instead.
The next two days were picture perfect: low 80's, low humidity, and puffy white clouds against a blue sky. We took the kids on a walk through the bean field. We climbed in the hay loft. We made echoes in the silo. And we almost learned to ignore all the houses that had cropped up around the farm.
Fortunately, the church where Kurt and I got married (and where I spent my grade-school years) has been made a historic landmark. I almost got Megan to walk through the cemetery where I used to play. The biggest bonus was getting to walk through the parsonage where I lived. It's between tenants at the moment, so this was the first time I'd been in since we moved in 1980. The whole house was smaller than what I remember. Funny how that happens.
Now I have regular, G-rated quotes of the day below. But Ian gave us an even funner, PG-13, quote. If you want to read it, you'll have to become my friend on Flickr. It's attached to a photo of the event.
Quotes of the Day
Megan: (After we spotted a cicada on a tree branch) OH, I wondered how a tree could make such a loud noise!
Ian: (While walking across the Adams Street Bridge over the Chicago River) Why is the water green when it isn't St. Patrick's Day?
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