To preserve marital harmony, I must first rewind to Monday, 16 July 2007. Look at the beautiful painting job Kurt did while we were at the cabin. The stunning Redwood stain - cut perfectly at all the corners - no drips on the windows or eaves. Perfect. (OK, Kurt - now may I continue with NH?)

So as you can see at left, all the rain we escaped in England last spring has found us here in New England. It was drippy the day we landed, sprinkly our first full day, and full-on rainy yesterday. I took this picture through the windscreen before driving to the grocery store - the same store with the great selection of natural foods for Ian and myself. (They had some new goodies I've never seen, so I actually had COOKIES last night without soy, corn, or eggs!)

Grammy kept the kids busy indoors preparing for Ian's "Second Birthday." It turned out to be a party for all the kids since Kurt and I continually forget to send out birthday gifts to our neices and nephew - we play catch up in July. (We usually get the Christmas presents out before January...)

Ian got some great electronic gifts: a spy set, a telegraph key with speaker, and a solar science kit. I'm not sure when we'll get to try out the solar kit. He spent all of yesterday putting together one project from his spy kit: a telegraph key. Hold on, didn't he get one already assembled? Ah, repetition:-)

All the girls played really well together. Ian kept trying to get in on the act. He was tolerated for short periods of time, but ultimately the Solidarity of Females won out and I had to take him shopping for a change of scenery. After bribing him into reading a chapter in the Hardy Boys Mysteries with poker pretzels, we arrived at Shaws. The traffic is always light when it rains at the lake. Good thing, too, because I don't know how long I could have put off his requests for 94.7 KSSJ The Home of Smooth Jazz.
But hark, what light beyond this window breaks? It's now 8:20 a.m. on Day 4 and I think I see a SHADOW on the lawn! It's looking like an outdoors day...
Quote of the Day
Ian, when he was forced to listen to a random NH radio station because I didn't want to change channels in the rain:
"You should seriously get Sirrius Satellite Radio, Mom."
Megan, for obvious reasons & said multiple times:
"Ian, get out of here!"
Hi Jessica!
Thanks for the post and the pictures.
Greetings to everyone from us. We just got news that there will be another Sudborough, a Greek one (can't you just see my mother now?), early next year. Basil and Marina checked with the doctor and then called.
Love from the about-to-be Grandpa,
U. Hal
Aha, now I find the comment link after sending you an email.
Give our love to the Graustein side of the family.
Love, Mom
Here is "thin air" talking to you. Sounds like you are all having a great time. And the cabin looks great too.
Thanks for the feedback. I feel so connected now!
Forget about the New Hampshire photos and news....JUST LOOK AT THAT FANTASTIC PAINT JOB ON THE CABIN!!!! Wow! Amazing! Beautiful! Is Kurt moonlighting on the side? Such hidden talent! Can we hire him? Be prepared for purchase offers on the cabin! :)
Seriously Kurt, it does look really nice and I'm sure it puts all the other cabins to shame! :)
Glad you are all having a nice time and enjoying family togetherness!
Topaz was sooooo pleased to see us! She was sitting on the front window sill waiting for us...I wondered if she had given up on ever seeing us again! Thanks so, so much for all of your dedicated work!
Talk to ya when you get home!
Angela et al
I've gotten the "Smooth Jazz" Request a few times too; I think Ian just likes the jingle. Looks like your having fun. I'll see you guys later.
Dear Family,
Kurt, the cabin looks fantastic. Thanks so much for the great job and for staying on the ladder. The rest of you seem to be having lots of fun whether it rains or not. We actually had about 14 raindrops last Wednesday! I was driving to Kathy's and they fell on my windshield.
Love to all,
Grandma & GreatGrandma White
At my current pace, the cabin should be completely re-painted before Ian is finished high school. ;)
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