So it was a beautiful day after all. The sun, a couple noon showers, then more sun. And peace in the house because all the noise went outside.
First came the rounds of croquet. I'm not sure who won, because the cousins took all turns simultaneously. The only rule I had was, "No mallets on skulls." All the rain kicked the clover and grass into high gear, so Uncle Karl mowed the pitch for us in the afternoon.
Next up: tractor rides. Tractor drives, rather. Ian, Megan, and Anna got a chance to drive up and down the gravel lane. Ian and Anna also dug with the backhoe. Sarah was having none of it and stayed tucked in her dad's arms rather than sit on Grampa's lap in the driver seat. I got a little worried the first time they headed for the road, but it was only the turn around spot. Whew!
Uncle Russ said his raspberries needed picking, so Kurt and his dad took the kids out. They came home with at least 5 quarts. Kurt's mum made raspberry pie, I made raspberry muffins, and there are still tons left in the freezer and fridge!
The kids stayed in for arts & sciences time (girls = painting, boy = Morse Code). It only lasted for 20 minutes or so until they found better amusement: three planks across a muddy ditch. Ah, fun in the woods!
P.S. We're heading to the lakeshore cottage today, so I won't have internet access until Tuesday. See you then:-)
Quote of the Day (Both on the tractor)
Ian: "I won't touch them. You can trust me." (Ian had moved into the backhoe seat while Anna was driving. Grampa told him not to work any of the levers.)
Megan: "Grandpa, can I do the gas too?" (See the picture below...)
Jessi, This blog is so cool. Since we just received AOL internet at home--(and it dials up only at certain hours), I have not had time to really get used to thank you for the instructions.
I see Ian is growing taller. If you ever come to Washington we will have more country fun. I'm so happy you go to a cabin once a year. I love the country too. Love, Jan Radford PS. I will be teaching in a Christian School next year about 40 minutes north. It was called Master's Touch Christian School but is changing to Highland CS. Special Education is included in the $4000/mo tuition and I oversee Junior High! (Math is quite fun actually!)
Is Megan trying to bury Ian? Hehe Glad to see the sun finally came out.
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